First Holy Communion – how to prepare the perfect party?

First Holy Communion is a very important event in the lives of many children. The long preparations culminate in a church celebration, which is combined with a reception for loved ones. What should the communion table at home look like, how to prepare communion invitations and how to choose original souvenirs for communion? We have a few tips – read on!

Firstly, the guest list and communion invitations

The First Holy Communion is a special occasion to celebrate with loved ones. It is therefore worth taking care of every detail, including the right communion invitations. Here we have several different approaches to choose from. The simplest and cheapest, but at the same time least original and impressive solution, is to buy universal ready-made cards. However, we should only opt for this solution when it is too late to do anything else. Personalised invitations for the communion ceremony, which include all the most important details about the celebration, are much better:

  • the child’s name – in the case of invitations for the immediate family, this can be the name itself,
  • the date, time and place of the reception,
  • the place of the Communion Mass,
  • the name of the person or persons invited.

Original and personalised invitations for communion

How do you choose an invitation for communion? When it comes to personalised cards, there are two main options – invitations to be completed by hand or ordering a print with the information provided. While the first option is more personal, it will also be quite time-consuming and requires some calligraphy skills. As a result, most people planning a communion party opt for printed invitations – there are plenty of interesting designs available online that are perfect for this celebration. An interesting and at the same time functional addition would be the so-called RSVP, which is a separate card requesting confirmation of arrival ( répondez s’il vous plaîtplease reply).

It is also useful to know when and how to hand out the communion invitation. The best way is to hand them over in person. Of course, this will not always be possible – a good alternative is to send the invitations by post. In terms of timing, it is best to do this no later than 2-3 weeks before the ceremony. When ordering printed invitations, it is worth bearing in mind that the delivery time itself is usually another 2-3 weeks.

Who should you invite to your communion party?

A First Communion is typically a family event, which should be attended primarily by those closest to you. In addition to the parents and the main hero or heroine of the day – that is, the child who is receiving the sacrament – the party is usually attended:

  • grandparents,
  • godparents
  • uncles.

Depending on the relationships in the family, slightly more distant relatives can also be invited. Nothing stands in the way of invitations to close family friends. Make sure, however, that these are only people with whom the child has regular contact.

The role of godparents during First Holy Communion

Interestingly, in the Christian tradition, godparents do not have specific duties regarding the first Holy Communion of a godchild or godchild. Unlike other sacraments such as baptism, confirmation or marriage, the presence of a witness is also not required. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that, by definition, godparents are the child’s ‘second parents’ and, from an ecclesiastical perspective, should be responsible for raising the child in the faith (mainly Roman Catholic). This fact and Polish customs mean that godparents almost always take part in the celebrations of the day and often also in the preparations.

So what should godparents do? The answers can vary – much depends on their relationship with the parents and the customs in the family. It is sometimes assumed that the godmother should bake the communion cake, but this is not a universal rule. The best way would be to simply ask the child’s parents and offer your help in organising the party.

Where to organise a communion party?

There are quite a few possibilities. The traditional place for a party is the home or flat. Nowadays, however, more and more people are opting for sumptuous celebrations organised in halls or restaurants that cater for such events. The choice depends primarily on the parents, although the child’s preferences should also be taken into account. Preparing a party at home means lower costs but more work – the opposite is true for parties at venues.

Communion decorations at home and in the hall

Whether you want to put on a communion party at home or in a hall, the right decorations communion decorations. How do you decorate the venue? Above all, opt for white and gold accents – a combination that is particularly associated with Communion. Elements with motifs such as chalices or communion wafers are also an interesting choice. And don’t forget the flowers! The standard date for communion is May, which is the ideal time for floral decorations. The best choice is of course white flowers, which are traditionally given to the girls as a bouquet, but can also form part of the decoration.

Impressive communion decorations also include balloons, lanterns, garlands and even confetti. This is also a great way to emphasise the joy of the family celebration and provide some levity after the solemn church ceremony. With such decorations, you can also take care of the wellbeing of a child who is likely to be quite stressed – communion is often a demanding day. Here, too, a bit of personalised decoration is worthwhile. Garlands or lanterns can include wishes, communion thanks or the child’s name – the choice is entirely up to you.

The bag will also work as a table decoration for a First Communion party
The bag will also work well as a table decoration for a communion party

Communion table at home – stylish decor that will fit the occasion perfectly

How to decorate the communion table at home? As with the choice of other decorations, white should play a central role. A simple white tablecloth goes perfectly with elements such as white placemats with gold accents or table napkins in the same or similar colours. What can you do to make your décor impress your guests? Check out what you can find in our shop – these include original bags that will look great as decoration!

We have put together a collection of bags for the First Communion to help you put together the perfect decor. You can bet, for example, on semi-transparent organza bags with small white balls inside. This is the perfect table decoration. Other colours, such as gold, black or pink, are also an interesting option. You will also find pouches printed with First Communion motifs.

First Communion souvenir – our suggestions

Communion invitations and decorations ready? Don’t forget another important aspect: the communion souvenir. This is a special day when your child will be presented with numerous gifts from both you and the immediate family. In all of this, it’s also worth taking care of something that will allow your child to remember the day well. A traditional memento is a picture that can be placed in a beautiful wooden frame. But there are many more possibilities – you can also choose a booklet, a casket or a figurine. How do you give this small gift in an attractive and original way? This is where our favour pouches come to the rescue. We offer products in sizes of up to several tens of centimetres, which can easily accommodate any communion gift.

Organza bag perfect for a communion rosary
Organza pouch ideal for a communion rosary

Original communion thanks for godparents and more

Although the most important gifts go to the child during Holy Communion, it is also worth taking care to thank loved ones for coming and being present at the reception. How can you do this? You can present them with a variety of gifts – from simple cards, to personalised laurels, caskets or sweets, to gift sets with candles, for example. The possibilities are endless and the choice is up to you. What to bear in mind when preparing gifts? For example, a communion thank-you gift for godparents may have a slightly different form than gifts for uncles, aunts or extended family members.

How you wrap your communion thanks also matters. In addition to standard bags or boxes, it is worth looking at the increasingly fashionable and popular solution of pouches. These are specially prepared proposals in which you can place your thanks to grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles and every other guest.

First Holy Communion – dishes and cakes

When preparing for the First Holy Communion, the right menu will also be important. Your child will certainly enjoy a delicious cake – you can order one covered in icing in your child’s favourite colour and it will look beautiful decorated with a commemorative inscription.

Remember, too, that your child is the most important thing on the day, so make sure that all dishes are in line with your child’s preferences. It’s also a good idea to dispense with alcohol on the communion table – this is also due to the fact that it’s a party primarily for your child, who won’t be able to taste this type of drink for a good few years yet.

Where to look for communion table decorations?

If you want to organise the perfect First Communion party for your child, you need to take care of every detail – from the invitations, to the decorations and thank-you notes, to the right choice of food. Where to buy the best communion decorations? It’s worth starting with our shop – you’ll be able to buy imaginative, original and stylish pouches made with the day in mind. It’s also a good way to wrap all sorts of gifts for both the child and the communion guests. In addition, you will find many suggestions for other occasions, which will help you take care of the perfect look of decorations and gift wrapping for any occasion. We look forward to seeing you!

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